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Australian Economy

First-home buyers borrow big

THE average loan size for first-home buyers has risen by $52,000 – or 23 per cent – in the past two years, raising fears that government incentives for young buyers are artificially inflating the market. A report commissioned by Brandmanagement, a market research firm specialising in the finance sector, says

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Australian Economy

Job security impacting on home market

INCREASING concerns about job security are impacting on the property market, with people opting to spend less and delay buying, a survey shows. The Consumer Insights Buy report, which measures the perceptions of property buyers, showed 55 per cent of Australians have a high degree of concern about their

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Australian Economy

Six more months for first home owners scheme

Those buying their first home have another six months to locate their dream dwelling and still benefit from last year’s boost to the first home owners grant scheme. The first home owners grant was lifted from $7000 to $14,000 for existing dwellings and from $14,000 to $21,000 for new homes

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Australian Economy

House prices record biggest annual fall in 23 years.

Despite the best efforts of the government to prop up the bubbling housing market, Australian Bureau of Statistics data released today show Australian house prices fell 6.7% for the year. This result is the biggest annual fall since the index started 23 years ago. It does appear the First Home

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Australian Economy

Property bubble ‘set to burst’

FIRST home buyers are leaping aboard a sinking ship, with house prices set to fall about 20 per cent in the next two years, an Australian National University economist says. Professor Quentin Grafton said house prices could not continue to grow at a faster rate than incomes and consumer prices.